
Qs School Box Hill Enrolment and Tuition Fee Policy


Qs School Box Hill endeavours to continue improving the coaching quality and provide better value to students and Parents. Meanwhile with the school commitment for quality operation, we require the students also commit to the study effectively. Qs School Box Hill has set up the following enrolment and tuition fee policy. Please read it carefully before your enrolment.


1. To encourage students to obtain the best possible results during their study at Qs School Box Hill, all main stream course students need to commit to attending the course for at least one full Qs School term. To ensure quality education and to not interrupt other students, Qs School Box Hill will continue to not accept early withdrawal.


2. As Qs School Box Hill is compliant with Victorian building and occupancy requirement for State and Private Schools, we have very limited seat availability at each training period. To ensure all students have equal opportunities to enrol and to make the lowest possible tuition fees, we hope to not waste any seats. Therefore before enrolling, please make sure you will have the time to attend the study and please carefully choose the correct course(s) to enrol into. Once enrolled, no early withdrawal will be allowed and no refund or credit will be given.


3. In a very special circumstance, such as hospitalization or disability that prevent a student from continuing his/her study at Qs School Box Hill, notification through official evidences and a written application to Qs School Box Hill may allow us to provide special compensation. But this will not be guaranteed, and may less than your tuition fee paid.


4. Full Term On-Time discount: 5% will be applied if the student is enrolled for a full-term and payment is made in full within the specified discount period.


5. Siblings discount: 5% extra discount will be applied to the second sibling and onwards from the same family when they enrol together at the same time. This discount is foFull Term On-Time discount students only. The discount is applied to the lower fee students only. The enrolments must be made together and the payment must be made by the on-time discount due date.


6. Any discount applies to tuition fees only, not for textbooks and teaching materials. All discounts apply to a full package of Empower, Elite course and/or a program, not for one or more single subject(s). Neither for study in different Levels.


7. Current student priority: enrolment will be opened to current Qs School Box Hill students one week earlier to ensure a priority seat. Then seats will be equally opened to all students, including new students.


8. For students who would like to enrol Qs School for less than a full term or want to try a lesson, we recommend you to enrol at another campus of Qs School. These are Caulfield, Monash City (Springvale), Point Cook, Knox City, Yarra Valley (Ringwood), Bayside (Cheltenham), Essendon and Preston. These campuses may have limited seats available for some levels.


Please read this policy carefully. By completing your enrolment and payment, you have fully understood and agreed to the above policies.


Qs School Box Hill reserves the right to explain the terms of these policies. 



Management Team 

Qs School Box Hill 






Qs School Box Hill名和学政策 

(中文翻 - 内容以英文原文)


Qs School Box Hill一直致力于提升教学质量和给学生和家长提供更好价值的服务在学校承诺提供优质培训的同时,我们也同样强调学生作出有效学习的承诺。以下是相应的报名及学费政策。在您决定入学之前仔细阅读


1.为鼓励学生在Qs School Box Hill学习期间得到可能的最好结果,主体课程的所有学生都至少要参加一个完整学期的学习。为了保证学习质量和不影响他人的学习,Qs School Box Hill不接受中途退学。


2. Qs School Box Hill是一所与州立和私立日校一样符合政府对建筑物和教室全面要求的学校,同时为了保证教学效果,我们每个时间段可容纳学生人数是非常有限制的。为了让每个想到Qs School Box Hill学习的学生有同等机会,我们需要保证任何座位不能被轻易浪费。请在报名前确保学生将有“可以保障的上课时间”,并选择适合的课程。一旦报名和缴费,就不可以提前退学,也不能要求退费或保留积分用作以后使用。


3. 对于极其特殊理由,比如住医院,重伤而无法继续在Qs的学习,请向Qs School Box Hill管理层提出书面申请并附有有效证明文件。管理层审议后可能会做特殊处理,但不保证可以退款或全款退款。


4. 全学期按时交费折扣:如果在宣布的折扣期内报名整个学期并缴清费用者,享受5%的学费折扣。


5. 兄弟姐妹折扣:对于以上按时交费折扣获得者,如果同一家庭另一个或多个子女在同一时间报名Qs School Box Hill并在截止日期前付清全部费用者,从第二个孩子起,享受额外的5%折扣,这个折扣只能用在较低学费的孩子身上。不同时报名的兄弟姐妹不能享受这一折扣。


6. 以上所有折扣只针对学费,不针对教科书和其它教学资料。所有折扣只针对报读Empower,Elite全部课程以及其它的专项课程,不针对选择一个或多个单科学习或不同Level的课程。


7. 在校学生优先权:报名将对现在校学生提前一个星期开放以保证现有学生的选位优先权。一周后余下座位将向所有学生平等开放。


8. 对于想参加Qs School培训,但无法承诺全学期学习的学生或想试课的学生,我们建议与Qs School的其它校区 Caulfield、Monash City(Springvale)、Point Cook、Knox City、Yarra Valley(Ringwood)、Bayside(Cheltenham)、Essendon和Preston联系,他们可能在部分年级有少量位置可以满足不同学生的要求。




Qs School Box Hill保留解本政策条款的利。



Qs School Box Hill


Qs School Payment Policy


Methods of payment:


The parent/guardian may pay the tuition fee and teaching material fee using one of the following methods:


  • By using National Australia Bank’s online secure payment system with a card with Visa or MasterCard symbols;
  • By an Australian Bank-issued Debit, Visa or MasterCard paying through an EFTPOS facility in a Qs School campus;
  • By an UnionPay card paying through an EFTPOS facility in a Qs School campus;
  • Due to health and safety issues, cash payments is restricted with pre-arrangements only.



Fees on payments:


  • Qs School does not charge any administration fee on enrolment payment processing;
  • There is no fee for paying by cash;
  • Bank Charges on payment processing for paying through EFTPOS facilities are clearly displayed on the bank transaction receipt. This is a bank charge and the customer will bear this cost;
  • The nab secured payment system charges transaction fee and Credit Card fee when customers make online payments. This will be clearly displayed, and the customer will bear this cost (from 2021 Term 1 enrolment, Qs School has beared the bank’s charges until further notice).


Course confirmation:


  • Once the online payment has been completed and the funds cleared, a Tax Invoice will be sent to the parent/guardian’s registered email address with the student’s enrolment details. If payment happens over the counter, a Tax Invoice will be sent to the parent/guardian’s registered email address with the student’s enrolment details. Parents can also require a copy of the receipt on the spot. 


  • Student seat/position will not be confirmed until the full payment cleared at Qs School’s bank account.


  • The Student Number is a very important piece of information. Please bring this number to the campus when accessing the course. It links your classroom and online school resources together.


Payments in advance:


  • All courses enrolled in at a Qs School campus are based on a Qs School Term or a Semester basis. Enrolment and payment start several weeks before the new Term starts. Qs School will inform parents/guardians of the enrolments by email and/or other contact methods.


  • All and any discount can be obtained within the early-bird enrolment period.


  • And sibling discount can be obtained by enrolment and payment through Parent/Guardian’s account holder’s account only. 


  • Qs School reserves the right to explain the terms of this policy.


  • Qs School abides by Australian Consumer Law. 


Details of Enrolment and Payment Policies may vary from campus to campus. Please obtain the relevant details from the specific campus before enrolling and making a payment.


Update: Ver 20231104
 Effective from: 
4 November 2023